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Teacher Leader KnowledgeBase

This KnowledgeBase archive includes content and external links that were accurate and relevant as of September 30, 2019.

The Teacher Leader KnowledgeBase aims to raise awareness of the teacher leader role at the district level and to support teachers aspiring to the teacher leader role through master's degree-level university programs.

Task 3: Design and Deliver Professional Learning Experiences

Guideline: Effective leaders support professional learning for their colleagues. This support may involve designing and delivering opportunities for learning. As noted by Executive Director of Learning Forward Stephanie Hirsch, "Professional development that impacts teaching and learning occurs over a sustained period of time, includes developing knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors, and provides intensive support for implementation within the classroom. This form of support includes coaching, peer observation and feedback, principal support for creating conditions for changing practice and time for collaboration and reflection to assess the effectiveness of the new learning on teaching practices and student learning."

This task provides resources to assist teacher leaders in providing professional learning experiences for their colleagues.


The Professional Teaching and Learning Cycle

This link is to an April 2007 SEDL Letter publication discussing a standards-based approach to professional learning. The article describes a six-phase cycle to guide professional learning. Specifically, it provides an example of designing professional learning for a small group activity such as a professional learning community. Teachers in leadership roles may find this model helpful when designing and delivering professional learning.

Components of Professional Development

This document summarizes the research from Bruce Showers and Shirley Joyce showing the impact on learning awareness and application when professional development is delivered in various ways, such as lecture, modeling, group work and coaching. Educators designing and delivering professional learning experiences may find this information helpful.

Designing Professional Development That Works

This link is to an article from the May 2000 issue of ASCD's Educational Leadership publication. The authors review their research-based study identifying six factors impacting effective professional learning.

Job-Embedded Professional Development

This link is to an issue brief prepared by the former National Comprehensive Center for Teacher Quality, former Mid-Atlantic Comprehensive Center and the National Staff Development Council. This issue brief examines job-embedded professional learning in terms of what it is, who is responsible and how to do it well. Teachers in leadership roles may find this document helpful to understand job-embedded professional learning more fully.

Make Professional Learning a Joyful Experience

This link is to a Learning Forward blog authored by NSDC distinguished senior fellow Hayes Mizell. The article explores the role "joy" plays in the professional learning experience.

Professional Learning for Culturally Responsive Teaching

This link is to an Equity in Action brief from the Equity Alliance at Arizona State University. As noted in its introduction, this brief "encourages the rethinking of current approaches to professional learning" and "provides guidelines for professional learning for culturally responsive teaching." This brief may be useful to teachers in leadership roles in preparing culturally responsive professional learning.

Teacher Professional Learning and Development

This link is to an International Academy of Education publication discussing professional learning. The document offers 10 research-based principles associated with teacher professional learning. This document may be useful to teachers in leadership roles designing and delivering professional learning.

The contents of this website were developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education and are intended for general reference purposes only. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education or the Center, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Some resources on this site require Adobe Acrobat Reader. This website archive includes content and external links that were accurate and relevant as of September 30, 2019.