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Strategic Communications

This KnowledgeBase archive includes content and external links that were accurate and relevant as of September 30, 2019.

The Strategic Communications KnowledgeBase is an online resource to aid those leading or supporting communications in education in understanding the history, value, framework, planning, and execution of effective Strategic Communications to nurture and build strong relationships in education. Strategic Communications is essential to engage stakeholders and achieve goals at the state level. The elements, activities, and tasks in this KnowledgeBase are designed to better prepare communications professionals within state education agencies (SEAs) to plan for and respond to communication challenges and support implementation of education policy. 

Task 1: Explore the benefits of Strategic Communications

Guideline: This set of resources explains why SEAs invest time and resources in a Strategic Communications approach and provides a few examples where communicating organizations actualized the promised benefits of this approach. Benefits range from a broadened base of support for critical policies to improved strategy design, improved initiative implementation, and increased savings or funds acquisition, all of which may lead to improved teaching and learning.


Ten Reasons for Creating a Strategic Communications Plan

This Network for Good blog, dated January 8, 2009, stresses the importance of Strategic Communications and lists 10 reasons for creating a strategic communications plan.

PMI Study Reveals Poor Communication Leads to Project Failure One Third of the Time

This June 2013 blog summarizes a recent study conducted by the Project Management Institute (PMI), which revealed that ineffective communication has a negative impact on successful project execution. Communications is often still regarded by management as something that just ‘happens’ as part of regular project management tasks, using basic, generic tools, such as email and/or spreadsheets, but without a well thought out communication strategy and tools designed to store and regulate project information and communications, many companies are throwing millions of dollars out the window with every project they attempt to execute.  An effective Strategic Communications approach can save the success of a project and significant dollars along with it.

Adding Innovation and Heart to District Communications - A TNTP Blog

The New Teacher Project (TNTP) blog, dated September 13, 2016, offers reflections from Sarah Greene Osborne, the Director of Communications at the Houston Independent School District (HISD), on the benefits of strategies to engage teachers, principals, students, parents and the Houston community.

Re-Connect, Re-Engage & Inform: Sidney Schools Case Study

This 2016 Allerton Hill case study describes a grassroots campaign for Sidney City School where Allerton Hill drafted messaging for a M.O.M.S. volunteer group to deliver to the community through a coordinated strategy about a $9.9 million levy.  This case study provides an example of how Strategic Communication can result in significant acquisition of funds.