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The following questions have been extracted from Janet Hale's PowerPoint presentation "Mapping the Curriculum: Curriculum Mapping Intra-Organizations and Actions Plans," slides 38-48. These suggested questions may be helpful when reviewing curriculum mapping systems.

Map Interface

  • How are the various types of maps distinguished in the system (e.g., Diary Map/ Projected Map, Consensus Map, Essential Map)? Are they referred to by another name when using your system?
  • How do users access all types of maps for a particular school and/or the entire district?
  • How do users gain access to view types of maps within a school or all schools in the district (i.e., Projected Maps/Diary Maps, Consensus Maps), and district level Essential Maps?
  • How does a user enter his or her personal data into a specific month or months when recording Projected Maps /or Diary Maps?
  • How does a team of teachers enter data into a specific month or months for a course's school-site Consensus Map or district-wide Essential Map?
  • How are various types of maps replicated (e.g., copied or transferred)?
  • Are there limitations for replication of one another's Diary Maps/Projected Maps?
  • How are current year, or archived, types of maps replicated to the next school year?
  • Can all users create new courses? If limited, how will teachers or administrators be designated and permitted access to do so within the system?

System Design

  • Can maps only be recorded by individual months or are there option settings to record by grading periods or a full school year?
  • How are new-user accounts created for those entering faculty or staff after the school year begins?
  • What about user accounts for commuter teachers or administrators that travel between two or more schools in the district?
  • How are maps archived for users leaving one school and moving to another school in the district, or leaving the district entirely?
  • How does the system allow for necessary adaptations needed as the users' mapping comfort and knowledge level increases over the course of years (e.g., inclusion of new elements, inclusion of map types, search and report features)?
  • What happens if additional element fields (e.g., activities, differentiation, school-wide strategies) want to be changed or modified over the years? Will modifications of a current element field's title affect the accuracy of data entries for past years' archived maps?

Search and Report Features

  • What is the process for conducting a system-wide search using keyword or Boolean search strategies?
  • What is the process for conducting a system-wide search using filters to narrow down or isolate a search (e.g., one school site, a series of grade levels, two disciplines, one type of course, a small set of teachers)?
  • How are search results configured? Do result formats vary depending on the type of search conducted?
  • Do search results allow users to drill deeper and be linked to a specific map/maps, month/months?
  • Do search results have graphic display options that translate textual results into chart views?
  • How many report features are included in the system? What is the specific purpose for each type of report?
  • Do teachers have the same access to types of reports as administrators? If not, why not?
  • Does the system allow both pre-defined and user-defined reports?
  • How often are new search and report features added to the system?


  • What standards are initially included in the system (e.g., state, national, specialty, self-created)? What if we want additional types standards added initially or over time?
  • How do users access various standards within the system that we want included in our maps?
  • How are standards embedded within a map?
  • How are standards denoted in a map (e.g., symbol, number, full text)?
  • How are standards visually aligned to a map's content, skills, and assessment data?
  • Can users toggle and access all grade levels and disciplines' standards regardless of the designated course currently being created?
  • Are developmental level indicators (e.g., introduce, develop, mastery, reinforce) available for each standard?
  • How will selected level indicator be embedded into a map?
  • How will level indication appear visually in a viewed map?
  • Does the system automatically update the currently included standards if modified or newly generated by a primary source (e.g., state department, national council)?
  • Will standards changes affect the accuracy of entries made in past years' archived maps?
  • Can we enter national, state, local, or private standards manually? If yes, what is the process?
  • Does the system have specific standards search and report features?

System Costs

  • Given our learning organization's configuration (e.g., one school, few school, or a total district), what are the projected initial development costs? Is the cost figured per user?
  • Is there an annual system-usage fee? What if a user works in two or more schools?
  • Are there implementation costs outside of the development costs?
  • Are there additional costs for ongoing system modifications deemed necessary over time?
  • What do you suggest/mandate we have, or upgrade, to best utilize the system regarding our technology hardware and network capabilities?
  • How many people in your company will be designated and available to us for ongoing needs regarding our account system's troubleshooting and maintenance needs?
  • What system training materials are provided in print and on-line tutorials for both our technology staff and all users of the system?

Source: Twenty First Century Learning, Mapping the Curriculum: Curriculum Mapping Intra-Organizations and Actions Plans," slides 38-48, Janet Hale