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Wellness Empowerment Intensive

April 20 - 22, 2017, San Diego, CA

Stresscare Mastery and Mentor Training is a 2.5-day intensive training in holistic approaches to personal stress management and mentoring others in effective Stresscare skills. Participants will learn a comprehensive set of Stresscare practices and skills to maintain optimum personal energy in the face of stressful situations and the demands of everyday life—at home and at work—caring for body, mind, spirit, and emotions. The skills learned and practiced will provide individuals with the long-term benefits of preventing and managing overwhelm, burnout, challenging relationships, physical and mental fatigue, poor self-care choices, illness, chronic disease, and workplace turnover. 

Each participant will master and teach at least three effective Stresscare practices that can be shared with friends, family, and co-workers. Topics covered during the training include understanding the cost of stress, the physiology of stress, use of LifeCentrics’ Stress Nature Assessment™, the body’s signals of stress, habits of happy people, daily stress management practices, quick, healthy energy fixes for stress, and effective instructional and mentoring skills. Participants will receive applicable CEU’s and a certificate of completion at the end of the course and will be prepared to provide Stresscare mentoring in their Native communities.

Training and Topics Include:

  • Understanding the cost of stress – personally, professionally, organizationally
  • Body Scan and Personal Energy Assessment
  • Understanding and facilitating Four Aspects of Behavioral Change
  • Understanding the Model for Integrative Wellness in seven dimensions of well-being
  • Understanding the Four Stress Natures™ and overview of effective remedies for each
  • Habits of happy people
  • Understanding the body’s signals of imbalance and disease
  • Energy management and resilience through nutrition and healthy eating habits
  • Energy management and resilience through body-centered practices, including “yoga anytime”
  • Techniques for conscious relaxation, rest, and sleep
  • Daily self-care routines and adaptations for optimum energy
  • Five-minute Daily Energy Routine
  • Eliminating environmental toxins: space, people, clutter
  • Personal expression and journal writing
  • Understanding the mental/emotional/spiritual connection and continuum
  • Identifying and shifting limiting beliefs and practices
  • Mindfulness and effective life choices
  • Prayer, meditation, and visualization
  • Walking Your Talk: The key to mentoring

Stresscare Mastery Facilitator

Carol LaRue is an occupational therapist and an integrative wellness author, national speaker and coach. Her book, The Art of Self-Health, Creating Total Well-Being from the Inside Out, offers a practical model of “bridging” of our subtle energy body with seven essential dimensions of well-being. Her vast experience in leadership and business ownership in the healthcare industry, coupled with her own struggle and triumph over burnout and stress- induced illness, provides her with expertise and understanding of the challenges that face people who simply do too much and the challenge of achieving harmony in work and home commitments. In all of her teaching, Carol infuses meaning and purpose into practical and simple practices for positive change, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. The heart of Carol’s purpose is in teaching and empowering individuals from her own experience to take care of themselves, so that they may live with greater balance and enjoyment, while serving and caring for others in meaningful ways.